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Summer Bedroom Design | 2023

Are you looking for a summer bedroom design that will look fantastic for the 4th of July AND will have longevity to get you through the rest of the summer until fall? Well you’ve come to the right place!

If you’re like me, you probably love decorating for the seasons! I’ve noticed that some people can struggle with their summer decorations when they focus too much on the 4th of July.

What happens is that just a few weeks in to the season, your decorations start to feel like they’re “expired” and are past due to be taken down. I prefer to decorate one time per season, so I always try to decorate with longevity in mind.

Read on and I’ll teach you now to add subtle nods to the big holiday while you decorate for the season as a whole; without feeling like you’ll need to start all over again on July 5th.

*This post contains affiliate links to products I know &/or love.

How to Design your Bedroom for Summer:

One of the first things I like to do when I’m planning a design for a space, especially my own, is to come up with 1-3 words to summarize the entire look.

For my Spring bedroom this year, I went with a greenhouse feel.

For summer, I’m going to use “Vintage Summer Vacation” as the theme that I’m shooting for.

Once you have a theme in mind, it’s also fun to find something to serve as your inspiration for your color scheme. For me, it was a new set of Brooklinen Sheets I received! (Use my code “sheholdsdearly” for 20% off orders over $100!)

I love the option to mix and match, and it was fun to add a pop of red with the pillowcases. I like that they were a more orangey/muted red, rather than the highly saturated red that is often associated with the fourth of July.

That actually brings me to tip #1 and #2 for a lasting summer bedroom decorations: Choose less saturated versions for your red & blue; and add pops of red sparingly.

Red especially can be easily overdone. When adding it to a space, I think of it as being very similar to when I decorate with black. I have a whole blog post on decorating with black that shares my best tips for not overwhelming your space with too much of such a strong color.

Tip # 3 is similar, but I think it’s a good idea to always incorporate neutral colors into your space as well. This helps balance out the bolder colors.

Once I knew my theme & my color scheme, I set to work “shopping” through my own seasonal decorations (I have a whole blog post HERE about how I organize and store my decor) to find pieces that I thought might work with this year’s look.

What Kind of Decorations Do you Use for a Summer Bedroom Design?

Every time I start a new seasonal decor project, I pull out the bins I have associated with that season, and get to work pulling all the things I think might work well. Then it’s a matter of paring down and editing through those items to choose which ones will work best.

For this look, here are some of the things I initially pulled out:

  • Crocheted Table Cloth (See my post HERE on repurposing Vintage Linens, and HERE for a post on Styling Vintage Linens. )
  • Glass French Lemonade Bottles from World Market
  • Red & Blue Books with linen covers
  • Striped red, white & blue pillows (Here’s an old post showing how I made these from a thrifted pillowcase.)
  • Red Glass Dish
  • Silk American Flags I found these flags new in plastic a few years back, and love using them each year!
  • Baseballs in a galvanized tin bucket – These are great for adding a sporty summer day game feel, and the bucket reminds me of a day at the beach.
  • Red, White & Blue Crepe paper – I decided to use this for a 4th of July BBQ instead of as decoration in our room.
  • Red, White & Blue Striped IKEA Curtains that I found a few years back in the “As-Is” section.
  • Painting from my friend Andrea of Pine & Prospect Home.
  • Blue & White “Liberty” Transferware.
  • Blue Bicycle Poster by Cavallini Turned Wall Hanging (Easy DIY tutorial HERE).
  • Faux Flowers – I especially loved the blue thistle that reminded me of fireworks.
  • My all-time favorite flag picture, “Our Flag”, by Fred Tripp.
  • Glass anchor hocking style jar filled with sea-shells – I inherited this from my Aunt who collected them near her beach house.
  • Homemade Candle in Gold Tin
  • Airmail Envelopes that I fashioned into a cute bunting with paperclips & baker’s twine.
  • Glass display box with shells
  • Driftwood Sail Boats (DIY Tutorial Here)
  • Navy Sailor Uniform

I didn’t end up using all of them, so you can keep your eye out through the following images as I break down each section of my room! See if you can spot which ones I did decide to use!

Making & Styling our Summer Bed:

I started my wrought iron bed styling with the blue fitted sheet & flat sheet, and then added in this blue & white floral quilt by Laura Ashley.

When I’m making my bed with a quilt, I always like to pull the quilt up a bit higher than the top of the sheet so that when I turn the bed down, you get a sneak peak of the underside of the quilt.

It’s an extra little bit of design mileage that is easy to miss, but makes a nice impact when remembered!

Then I added my striped duvet across the middle of the bed, and finished it off with a striped red and cream throw blanket.

I love all of the different layers and textures, and the different weights of the blankets that make a great variety for summer naps!

For the nightstands, I added some of the red books, the French Lemonade bottle, my DIY candle, and lots of shell accents.

Our flag picture fits perfectly on this skinny wall section near the closet.

Over at the mantle, I moved the trunk & suitcase that usually sit at the end of my bed and placed them in front of the fireplace (since we won’t be using it at all in these warmer months). I loved that the suitcase adds to the “destination” feel of my vintage summer vacation theme.

I strung up my airmail envelope bunting along the front of the mantle.

On top I added my crocheted table cloth as a runner, my thrifted blue calendar chalk board, some faux thistle, a bucket of shells and a driftwood sailboat.

Behind our rocking chair I hung up the blue bicycle wall hanging.

And that’s it for this year’s summer bedroom design! I hope you’re inspired to do some seasonal decorating in your space for this season.

School May be Out for the Summer…

But that doesn’t mean that learning has to end! If you’re looking for a course to challenge you and fill you with inspiring design knowledge for your home, career, or future goals, I think you’ll love my Elite Decorating Academy!

It has over 28 hours of teaching, broken down into over 160 individual classes that are an average of 10 minutes each. They fit every busy schedule, and because the course is available fully online, you can do them anytime, anywhere at your leisure!

You can head over to elitedecoratingacademy.com to learn more and to get started!

Related Summer & Fourth of July Posts & Resources:

And over on Pinterest, I have dedicated boards for:

Pin This Summer Bedroom Design for Later:

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