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10 Simple Ideas for Celebrating Easter at Home

Are you looking for some simple Easter ideas this year?

You’re not alone! Many of us are planning ahead now for a much more simple Easter celebration than we might usually have done, or than we might have even been looking forward to a month ago!

This year is quite the anomaly with all that has been going on, but I hope for my own family, and for yours, that we can still have a Easter worth remembering!

It may look different this year, but we can include some of the things that bring about a sense of normalcy, and enjoy the day celebrating with our families.

Easter Craft Ideas for Adults by sheholdsdearly.com

If you know me, you know I love throwing big parties! Some we’ve done recently are the Pride and Prejudice Party and the Boho Birthday Party – both for two of my daughters.

When I think back about those and other parties, the elements that were most special to me (aside from the guests and all the love and fun memories) were the decorations and special food!

So in planning a simple and scaled back Easter celebration, those are the two things I am focusing on!

Spring Farmhouse Style Decorations by sheholdsdearly.com

*This post contains affiliate links to products I know &/or love.

Simple Easter Ideas – Decorations

Having beautiful decor around where we have our celebration is important to me! Here are 5 of my favorite ideas!

Number One | Spring Animal Banner

I printed off this sweet Easter Bunny and Lamb banner from Ella Claire on nice card-stock paper, cut out the pennants, hole punched the top at both corners, and then strung them through with twine.

Easter Craft Ideas for Adults by sheholdsdearly.com
Easter Menu Ideas

This is a beautiful project that could be hung a number of places! I chose to hang mine over a green faux garland around our chalk board.

DIY Easter Bunting by sheholdsdearly.com
DIY Spring Bunting by sheholdsdearly.com

This is also a project that is suitable for children to help with (with your discretion and supervision if they’re little!) if you’re looking for something to keep those hands busy this season!

Paper Easter Crafts by sheholdsdearly.com
Last Minute Easter Ideas Decor by sheholdsdearly.com

Number Two | Green Clipboards

My next decor idea is these adorable sage green clip boards from Liz Marie!

She found and bought her clip-boards second hand for $1 each, painted them and added cute printables!

I think Miss Mustard Seed’s Boxwood Green milk paint would look fantastic on these! And the possibilities are endless with the prints you could use on them! Flowers? More sweet spring animals? Vintage recipes? So fun!

Plus there’s such variation in how you display them, either as a stand alone piece, or in a beautiful gallery like Liz did.

Green Clipboard Spring Wall Decor

Number Three | Vintage Look Easter Eggs

In place of colorful dyed Easter eggs, you can consider using plain white boiled eggs and “tattooing” on cute designs! Yes – this is a real thing!

This post from Pam at House of Hawthornes tells you exactly how to go about making tattooed Easter eggs!

She used a temporary tattoo paper (linked in her post) and printed the images onto that before transferring them onto the eggs!

Such a clever and unique way to decorate eggs!

Vintage DIY Easter Eggs

This is another cute tutorial from Janine over at Happy Happy Nester! She shared this fun idea for using Printables for Easter Eggs! She has a free printable that you can print, cut out, and glue onto the outside of the egg! So simple and cute!

And another really fun one for young children!

Easter Egg Decorating

Number Four | Make your own birds nests

I already love birds nests so much – truly, I would almost call myself a collector – send me any you don’t want!

But more so in spring and around Easter! They make such cute decorations around this season!

If you have real ones to use, those are perfect, but you can also make your own! This DIY Birds Nest tutorial from Made by Barb is a fantastic reference!

And they can be used in a number of ways! Like as part of a wreath like Sherry from The Charm of Home blog put together!

DIY Birds Nest Spring Craft

Number Five | Felt Flower Wreath

Speaking of wreaths! This adorable felt floral wreath from Janine at the Happy Happy Nester would be a really cute addition to any Easter decor!

DIY Felt Floral Wreath Easter Decoration

Projects like these are so fun because you can customize the flowers to any color you’re excited about for your current scheme!

FInal of Wreath

These are another project that could fun with older kiddos!

Felt Floral Wreath Spring Decor

Simple Easter Ideas – Special Food Items

So many of our holidays have truly deep and special meanings, but often our personal memories around them relate to the foods that we commonly serve!

I’m not going to talk about the big items today (like Easter ham), but instead, some fun treats & desserts.

Especially in a year like this one – it’s fun to have some special treats to look forward to. These could even be fun as “basket stuffers” if you are looking for that last special something!

Number One | White Chocolate Easter Lollipops

These adorable lollipops are delicious and really easy to make!

Easter Craft Ideas for Kids by sheholdsdearly.com


White Chocolate Easter Suckers by sheholdsdearly.com

Make sure you follow the directions on the candy melt bag to melt down the candy without getting them too warm – ask me how I know…

Easter Dessert Ideas by sheholdsdearly.com

Sometimes when melting chocolate it can harden and clump up, called “seizing”.

Mine did that – but there was still hope!

I was able to carefully smooth and paint some of the chocolate into the molds (to make sure all of surface area was covered well – especially where there were details like the feathers), and then pressed in the additional chocolate pieces.

White Chocolate Easter Lollipops by sheholdsdearly.com

Afterward I found this YouTube video that better explains what it means when chocolate seizes and how to fix it!

Next time I’ll try it I’ll be sure to try this trick if it does seize, which will make it even easier to simply pour the chocolate into the molds!

Easter Dessert Ideas by sheholdsdearly.com

Glad to once again be able to share my wisdom after learning by experience!

Last Minute Easter Treats by sheholdsdearly.com

Number Two | Macarons

These sweet french treats are not only delicious, but they’re also so cute when served – like these cute pink and green macarons below!

If you’re feeling less adventurous, you can buy the ones from Costco! They’re a great value, and come in 5 cute pastel colors and flavors.

Or if you’re up for a challenge, you can make these white chocolate pistachio macarons from Broma Bakery!

Pastel Macarons Simple Easter
Green Macarons Easter Dessert

Number Three | Easter Popcorn

My friend Alicia shared these really cute and delicious Easter Candy Popcorn balls. I just love how colorful and festive they are!

This is another really fun treat that you could make along with kids!

Easter Candy Popcorn

Number Four| Lemon Thyme Bars

If you’re looking for something with a more elegant flair, try these lemon Thyme bars from Dawn at D.M.R Fine Foods.

So pretty, especially for something with a more tea party feel!

Lemon Thyme Bars Easter Dessert

Number Five | Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

If you’re feeling ambitious, you can chose to make this Carrot Cake Deluxe by Call me Cupcake.

Coconut Flake Carrot Cake Easter Menu

One of the upsides of doing cake is that there are so many pretty ways to decorate and style them! Like the beautiful flower cake below!

Floral Topper Carrot Cake Idea

Or you can also do cupcakes like these beautiful ones by Creations by Kara – always a crowd favorite!

Carrot Cake Cupcakes with Brown Sugar Cream Cheese Frosting

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Or have you ever thought about an Easter picnic?

If the weather allows it, we’ll certainly be enjoying at least part of our at-home Easter celebration outside!

Spring Picnic Ideas by sheholdsdearly.com

Some quick picnic tips:

  • Blankets -that’s an obvious one
  • Pillows – sometimes forgotten, but they really add to the comfort of sitting outside on the ground!
  • Plan finger foods, especially those that can be eaten at room temperature!
  • And pick foods that you can prepare the day before when possible to make the day itself more enjoyable.
Easter Picnic Ideas

I hope these tips help you during your Easter preparations this year!

If you enjoyed these tips, you might like some of these other related posts!

Easter Decor Ideas by sheholdsdearly.com

Pin these tips for later:

Simple at Home Easter Ideas by sheholdsdearly.com

Until next time,

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