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Looking to Learn How to style Thrifted Decorations?

Today is part TEN of our Styling Thrifted Decorations series! For the past months I’ve been sharing one post at the beginning of each month with my thrifted hauls, AND how I style my new treasures into my home.

I’m getting more and more excited as garage sale season is starting to pick up around here! Is anyone else impatiently waiting for those weekend days spent hopping from sale to sale?

I also love that during the summer our local thrift stores seems to have more sales, like ones this past weekend for Memorial day. You can’t go wrong on even better discounts on thrifted items!

In this post I’m also going to be sharing some of my plans to make some changes in the entire downstairs area of our home! You’ll be among the first to get to see some of my inspiration and where I’m headed! I can’t wait to “show you around” how the space will be transforming!

If you’re new to the Styling Thrifted Decoration Series…

If you haven’t seen following along previously, I wanted to share the past posts in this series so you can get caught up!

Not only does each month have it’s own stash of treasures based on what I found that month, but I also share different styling and design tips in each post based on what I’m working on myself!

I hope you’ll be able to glean lots of inspiration and information from these posts!

Make sure to grab a copy of my Thrifting Checklist if you don’t already have it, as well!

*This post contains affiliate links to products I know &/or love.

My Current Thrifted Haul:

And now, onto the fun parts! Here are the items I found, AND either how I styled them, or how I plan to style them in the future!


I found not one, but two really pretty velvet pillows that I added to my daughter’s boho equestrian inspired room!

The mustard yellow one was from Pier 1, and was $5, and the pink lumbar pillow in the front was also just $5! I love that they both have piping along the edges, the texture on the front of the pink pillow, and that they both feel really well made!

If you haven’t seen the posts yet, here’s the set of posts I did on my daughter’s 15th birthday present, a newly designed equestrian bohemian bedroom!

This floral embroidered pillow was not a thrifted find, but I wanted to share a link because I have a feeling I’m not going to be the only one who thinks it’s beautiful for a girls’ space!


I can’t overstate enough how much I love checking the crafting and sewing sections of any garage sale or thrift store.

I highly recommend you peruse these sections any chance you get. Slow down and really check through to see what you can find!

This month I found some really great deals that I’m super excited about!

| Zippers |

I have a love of making pillow covers because I think they’re such a simple way to change the look of a room! I usually end up spending a lot on zippers, with my favorite ones being the 22″ invisible zippers in just about any color.

This bag I found had about 13 zippers for only $5, when they are usually about $3 each! That’s a savings of $34!

If you’re interested in making your own pillow covers, I’ve got a few different tutorials!

| Pinch Pleat Curtain Hooks |

To be honest, I probably wouldn’t have even recognized what these hooks were for if I had seen them a few months ago. But luckily for me, I’ve been really into pinch pleat curtains the past little while, and as soon as I saw them I knew I’d need them!

I think pinch pleat curtains have such a formal and tailored look, and I’m excited about incorporating them into our fireside room!

Credit: A Glass of Bovino

These hooks were $4 for the two bags together, and I imagine I would spent closer to $20 if I had bought them new. That’s another $16 saved!

| Thread |

If you sew, you know that having good quality neutral colored thread is a must! I was really happy to see a bag of white, cream, grey and black Gütermann thread for only $4! That’s a savings of at least another $20, since these spools are usually closer to $4 each! Especially at this quality! Gütermann thread is one of my favorite brands because the quality really shows up in my finished projects.

Dishes & Containers:

| Dishes |

Every thrift shop trip includes a walk down the dishes aisle! I was not disappointed this month as I found this lovely plate with a subtle gold lace design on the edge. The picture is a black and white sketch of an old church, and on the back it has the names and dates of the pastors that served there.

I went ahead and added it to the wall in our bedroom near my bi-fold closet.

I love the architecture of old church buildings, and I think the size and colors of the plate compliment my bird picture nicely!

I found these plate hangers a while back, and they’re all I use now!

| Containers |

Never pass up an opportunity to grab cute containers! I’m always finding new uses for mine, and never seem to have enough! They’re great for storing things that are out in the open, but also work wonderfully inside drawers and cabinets!

I found this black wire basket for $5 that was the perfect fit for storing some of my fabric samples.

They used to sit on a shelf inside my closet office, but this keeps them much more organized, and still easy to see when needed!

I got this really pretty blue vase that reminds me of milk glass with the hob knob bumps. I love this style, and found a similar one months ago that I used in my Spring decorating that was clear!

This blue one will look great in the new direction I’m taking the living room, but more on that in just a little bit!

This “Field and Stream” wooden box I found is another example of a simple container that I know I’ll be able to incorporate. For now, it will sit on our living room coffee table, but that might change down the road!

| Baskets |

I also found two large baskets, one was $5, one was $6. For now they’re styled in my living room (one under the church pew, and one up on top of the piano), but that’s also subject to change as I make my upcoming revisions!


| Candle |

I also found this candle that is actually from trader joes. But it was new for only $3! Originally I was thinking I might save it to be part of a future gift, but then once I realized it was honey crisp apple scent, I knew we needed to keep it. I love the scent of apples, and my whole house smells like them!

Then I had an even better idea of what to do with it: I placed it on my husband’s nightstand. We’ve come to realize that with him being less of a night-owl and going to sleep before me, it helps to have a small source of light that is not too bright for him to sleep, but gives me enough light to get into the room without stumbling over furniture! It’s saved us from lots of frustration, and is a habit we’ll certainly be continuing. This time around it’s a lovely honey crisp apple scent, and I couldn’t be happier.

| Lamp Shade |

I found this large navy lampshade which is going to go perfectly with my new ideas for the living room!

| Curtains |

And I found some great white linen curtain panels, and some others that were almost the shade of persimmon that I am hoping to incorporate into the fireside room. The white linen I’m going to turn into pinch pleat curtains with my new hooks, but I haven’t started that project yet until I’m a little further along in the process.

New Plans for Downstairs…

And now, after a few sneaky mentions throughout this post, I’ll share the full view of where I’m going with my new direction for the downstairs area.

It started with a desire to add more color into our home. I talked some in the thrift post #7 about my plans to convert our dining room back to a fireside room, and that process is moving forward, with a little bit of honing as I go.

Here’s my design board for the fireside room space.

I’m wanting a grey floral wall paper to accent the concrete hearth across the room, and I’ve found some lovely options that are serving as my current inspiration.

This one is called Blockprint by Engblad & Co.

And this one is called Sunflower by McGee and Co.

And this is a look back on how I had decorated last time this room was used a fireside room, a few years ago.

I’m also working on the living room at the same time (plus three other spaces, but who’s counting?!).

Here are some reminders of how the living room currently looks:

For the living room, my new desire in addition to bringing in more color is to bring in a bit of a “cabin” feel. But not necessarily in the truly “cabin” design sense of the word. I want to create a study-friendly area that has a really comfortable, casual summer feel. I’m thinking dark wood, and maybe even a plaid rug.

We’re rearranging some of the furniture we have, selling some pieces (like our big armoire that has been holding our TV – if you’re local and interested, let me know!) buying some new, and basically giving the space a whole new feel.

I’ve loved the “artissimo” navy blue paint we have on our front door, and I’m going to pull that into the room by painting our french door the same shade.

Remember my navy lamp shade – a perfect fit, right?

Here are some of my design boards for the space to give you a better visual idea of where it’s all headed.

The “lego dresser” will replace the armoire, and I’m hoping to work towards getting a Samsumg “Frame” TV to hang on the wall above it.

The trim in the whole room is going to be repainted a light grey, and I’ll pull in some light blue accents by painting the piano, and using pieces like my new hob knob glass vase.

We’ve got a new couch coming, and some new window treatments will go up on the wall behind it.

I’m also working on plans to get our dog a bigger bed… probably even a chaise lounge, which is an idea I’ve been fighting internally for years. The trick will be figuring out how to keep it clean.

As I put these plans together to show you, I realized I was even more excited than before! I can’t wait to show you more details as I get these rooms updated with these new feel.

Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions about my thrifted decor pieces, or the new direction I’m taking this room!

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