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My Best Tips for Styling Thrifted Decorations

Are you ready for another look through my thrifted decorations from this month, and how I style them in my home? I can’t wait to show you my newest finds!

I just love how much you are all enjoying this series! This week is part number 11!

If you’re new here and haven’t gotten caught up on past months, I’ll list all 10 of the prior posts at the bottom of this page so you can see them for yourself!

In summary, the first post of each month shows not just my thrifted finds, but also how I style them in my home, and the thoughts and the “why” behind where and how I style them! I love how often this series has provided great teachable moments!

Another thing I love about this series is getting to hear YOUR thoughts about some of the pieces, and suggestions about how to use them! I have a few I’m a little stuck on, and I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments below.

*This post contains affiliate links to products I know &/or love.

My First Find:

My first big find of the month was actually a Facebook Marketplace score! This glass chandelier was $60, and will be a perfect accent in our living room as I work on our refresh/makeover! I’ve been adding lots of navy and using dark wood, and I think having some glass and crystal will help keep the room from feeling too masculine.

And the gal I bought it from started following the blog, so I wanted to say “Hi, new friend!” to her!

My original plan was to use gold rub-n-buff to change the chrome pieces to gold, but because some of the “chrome” was actually plastic, the rub-n-buff was not holding like it should. I tried painting it black and then using the gold, but that didn’t work either.

I finally decided to disassemble it a little bit further, tape it all off, and use my favorite gold spray paint to coat the pieces I wanted to change. That worked perfectly, and I love how it turned out!

It’s currently hanging over our lego dresser, but as part of the living room makeover, the dresser will be moving to a new spot, and a fun desk will be coming to this area!

That’s also why we chose the height that we did for the chandelier, so though it may look a bit too low, I think it will work out well once the desk is in place, and if it’s not quite right, we can always raise it up a little!

Antique Mall Meet Up:

As part of my Behind the Scenes decor group, I’ve always had a desire to get to meet my gals in person and do fun meet ups and shopping trips together and we got to do just that this past month for the first time here in the Pacific Northwest!

It did NOT disappoint!

I’ve always known that we had a great community of like-minded women, but seeing this group come together confirmed it! We shopped at two local antique malls, got lunch together, and had a great time visiting with wonderful conversation.

Plus we found tons of great treasures for each of our homes!

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My thrifted decorations from that day :

I found this great structural basket with a beautiful weave that reminded me of a bracelet. It was well made with a wire frame, and while I originally thought I might use it on the porch for my son’s roller blades, I didn’t end up liking the way it looked there.

I walked around with the basket through each room of the house until I decided I would use it in my daughter’s room!

She just had a birthday and has asked that I redo her room as her present as well! (I did her younger sister’s room earlier this year if you remember our Bohemian Teen Bedroom Reveal.)

So that will be fun to share once finished! We’re currently waiting on a rug and wallpaper! Stay tuned for that one!

I like sharing some of the process behind the designs I come up with to help you know that you’re not alone if you feel like your designs are a struggle. We ALL have struggles, and what sets us apart is that we don’t quit. We keep trying new ideas until we get it done!

Another of my finds was this amazing glass jar! I always say with beautiful containers, that you should grab them even if you’re not sure immediately what to use them for! I know personally I’ll always be able to find a functional way to incorporate beautiful things, so I snag them up!

This jar was no exception! I decided to use it in our master bathroom to hold Epsom salts.

I use them often and it’s nice having a large quantity close at hand, and in a beautiful vessel.

I also found these two beautiful plates with architectural pictures of churches on them, and now I think I have an official collection since I found one last month as well! (You might remember it from post #10!)

My two newest ones are currently displayed in my small shelf in the fireside room.

And I wanted to share a trick with you when you want to stand plates to display them if you don’t have a plate grove for them to sit safely in.

Use a small pea sized amount of poster putty rolled up and stuck on the back raised rim of the plate and stick that portion against the back of your shelf. It gives it just enough stability without leaving too much mess or damage on the walls!

The last find from our fun antiquing meet-up day was this interesting “globe” hiding in the back right side of this picture.

I don’t love the basket portion in this instance, but the stand reminded me of one I’ve had my eye on from World Market that attaches to a glass globe with etched inland areas.

Credit : World Market

I’m hoping one of you might be able to help me find a glass sphere with 2 holes that I might be able to use to hack this world market one! I know I can find a stencil and use etching powder to get the actual land masses on there, but I’m currently stumped on the glass. But I haven’t given up!

Please let me know in the comments below if you have any ideas!

Update! I did find this one from Lowes!

This month I also made a trip to Value Village (also known as Savers!) and found this really beautiful bulletin board with a gold frame! I wasn’t sure at first where to use it, but realized it would fit perfectly on the back of our bedroom door.

And as an extra bonus, I often use this door as a background for some of my Zoom calls because the lighting is really nice coming in from our windows, and this just adds an extra element of design and interest to that already great spot!

(If you’re looking for more tips, don’t forget I shared a whole post about how to style zoom backgrounds last month!)

Thank you for joining me for another month in this series! Let me know in the comments below which pieces you love the most, some of your own recent thrifted treasures, and/or any suggestions for the items I’m stuck on above!

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