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Using Fusion Mineral Paint For Lockers

I painted a set of old lockers with fusion mineral paint and I think you’re going to love them as much as I do!

A set of old school lockers has been on my DIY list for a looooong time now. This set from Lauren McBride’s house was my initial inspiration.

A while back my husband drug home a set that was left at a job site. I don’t even think he knew about my secret wish.

Vintage Lockers by sheholdsdearly.com

Happy dance!!

But alas, they got stuffed in our shop and filled with miscellaneous shop junk. Ok, maybe that was too harsh. I mean, paraphenalia.

Fusion Mineral Paint Ash by sheholdsdearly.com

Anyway, they were not living up to their full potential, if you know what I mean.

Time went by and when my son’s fifteenth birthday became a topic of conversation, he informed us that what he really wanted instead of a big party was . . . .wait for it . . . . a ROOM MAKEOVER.

Vintage Lockers Repurposed by sheholdsdearly.com

The moment I had been waiting for had arrrived.

Time to really let those lockers shine, in a teen boy’s room.

I had seen Liz Marie paint her set with Fusion Mineral Paint and was quite intrigued.

Mineral Paint Review by sheholdsdearly.com

Time to try something new and expand my DIY experience.

Painted Lockers DIY by sheholdsdearly.com

After ordering some in the color Ash and giving it a go, I have formed some preliminary opinions which I will pass on to you.

Fusion Mineral Paint Pros and Cons

Fusion Mineral Paint by sheholdsdearly.com


  • Exceptionally easy to apply. It has an almost oily look to it and goes on very smooth.
  • Super quick dry time.
  • A little goes a long way!  I thought that I would need at least two containers to paint the exterior of the lockers, but in the end I didn’t even finish one pot. And I gave it two coats.
  • Reasonably priced.
  • Can be Purchased Online. (Use THIS LINK for 10% off your purchase!)
Vintage Lockers Decor by sheholdsdearly.com


  • Super quick dry time.  I painted the lockers outside and in hindsight would have done them indoors, so I could make smoother brush strokes. The sun and wind mixed with quick dry time was a little stressful.
  • Requires prepwork. There were a lot of stickers on the lockers, originally, that had to be removed. So, there was a lot of scrubbing with Goo Gone and TPS which prepped the metal before I started painting.

Liz Marie finished her lockers with a liming wax to give them an almost chalkboard feel. I tried a sample patch down in the corner on one side and determined it was too girly for my son’s room.

Watch this video of Me Painting My Lockers with fusion mineral to see how easy it is!

You can subscribe to my YouTube Channel here.

The video on how to label a crate like the one on top of the lockers can be found HERE. And the video for the French canvas artwork is here.

Painted Lockers Ideas by sheholdsdearly.com

For now they are sitting on my porch and, believe you me, I tried my darnest to get my son to let me use them somewhere besides his room!

He won’t budge, so stay tuned for his room reveal in the next few weeks.

And I’d love to hear in the comments your different paint experiences. Have you tried Fusion Mineral Paint? Let me know, I love to learn from my people! xoxo

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Pin These Fusion Mineral Paint Lockers For Later:

Fusion Mineral Painted Lockers by sheholdsdearly.com

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