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6 Ways to Elevate Your Bathroom

If you’re looking for some simple ways to elevate your bathroom style, you’re in the perfect place! I’m sharing my six favorite tips today that all give you a lot of bang for your buck!

If you’re curious to learn more about what’s been going on in this bathroom makeover, I listed all of the associated posts at the bottom of this post for easy reference! For now, I’ll jump right in…

*This post contains affiliate links to products I know &/or love.

Six Ways to Elevate Your Bathroom Design

As you’re reading through this list, you can either decide on your 1 or 2 favorites, or dive right in and do all 6 for a fully immersive update throughout your whole space!

Design no. 1 | Change Out Your Hardware

This can be your sink, your drawer/door handles or pulls, or even your switch plates & outlet covers!

If you have wallpaper in your bathroom, I think the look of wrapped switch plates is very high-end.

This below example from Our Aesthetic Abode is absolutely beautiful & her blog post contains a full, in-depth tutorial for hanging wallpaper and doing switch plates exactly how she’s done this one here.

Photo Credit: Our Aesthetic Abode

I realized my mistake after the fact, but I knew I wanted gold switch plates, so I purchased some metal ones and then decided the finish was a bit too shiny. So after trying a few DIY antiquing processes that failed, I ended up just spray painting it with my favorite gold spray paint.

It was as I was outside spray painting the metal plate that I realized I could have just used my metallic gold spray paint over the existing plastic plates to get the same effect. Oops!

Oh well! Live & learn, I guess! I’m always glad when I can at least pass on the wisdom from my mistakes so that you don’t make them, too!

And the point remains, new hardware (or a new finish) can bring new life into a space!

Design no. 2 | New Towels

I think sometimes towels are one of those things that as adults we don’t ever think about buying new for ourselves. Let’s change that now! New, good quality towels are such a pleasant way to update your bathroom.

Not only do they look gorgeous, but you can find some that are really soft and in bigger, more luxurious sizes than the previous standard.

My tried & true favorite is fresh bright white – but you can choose what works best for your family & your space!

Design no. 3 | Add Interesting Artwork

Anytime you’re going to be swapping out the art in your house, I recommend going through everything you already have and “shopping” for pieces that might work in your newly designed space! I organize my decor in a way that makes this process pretty simple; and this step of finishing a room is one of my favorite parts!

For the bathroom I pulled in some great linear school class pictures from my Grandfather, some beautiful thrifted pen & ink sketch pieces, and a pretty portrait of my Aunt Frances Eliza.

If you’re in the market for curated vintage art prints – I have some available for free if you click HERE or enter your email below.

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Design no. 4 | Invest In Your Towel Display

I’m a big fan of towel hooks for their functionality in that they

  • save space (more towels in one place)
  • dry better
  • are easier for family members to put away

BUT I cannot discredit a beautiful towel bar or towel ring for their design appeal!

In our bathroom I have both a set of super functional hooks right near the bathtub, and then I invested in this beautiful floral towel bar from Anthropologie that we installed on the opposite wall closer to the sink. (The exact one I purchased is sold out, but they have others that are similar!)

In the same “Demeter” line, they also have a lovely towel ring that I might have grabbed if I hadn’t already found one on Amazon with birds that I loved.

Design no. 5 | Be Intentional About Your Shower Curtain

Now, being intentional doesn’t mean that you have to go out of your comfort zone with colors or pattern, but I do think having something that is nice quality (feels pleasant to the touch), and has great texture is essential! Above and beyond that you can add color & pattern, but they’re not as essential as the tactile experience!

I went with this gorgeous French toile fabric that I ordered from an Etsy shop called Cozybrown. The owner, Hannah was so kind and helpful with my order and even rushed the shipping to make sure it would arrive in time for this post as I’m finishing up the bathroom makeover!

I highly recommend you check out her shop if you’re in the market for new curtains. These are standard window curtains, but I easily converted mine to work with my shower by looping velvet ribbon (from May Arts) through the pinch pleat hooks and tying them onto our curtain rod bar.

Design no. 6 | Choose a Unique Mirror

I think a mirror is a great place to make a final statement within the bathroom. For now I am considering keeping this one with the rounded top that we’ve had for the past years, but I also found a fun round one with a blue frame that I will try out!

If I do stick with my old mirror, I have some ideas to give it a new look.

Here are my top contenders:

  • painting the frame
  • adding a wooden applique for some more visual interest
  • finding a new way to hang it (like with exposed chain)
  • and I’ve even considered flipping it upside down and hanging it that way!

If purchasing a new mirror isn’t something you’re wanting or needing to do at this time – considering giving your current one a new life with one of those same options!

I hope you’ve enjoyed these six tips for elevating your bathroom!

The full reveal for this room is coming soon – I’ll keep you posted!

Join me for the Spring Refresh Series

If you’re enjoying these Room Refresh Tips – you might enjoy my Spring Refresh Series! It’s a full month of exclusive Spring & Easter content that is going out via email to just those who are registered!

It’s going on right now (unless you happen to read this after March 15, 2024) but you can join at any time and we’ll make sure you’re all caught up with any content that has already been sent out!

Here are some of the things we’ll be covering:

  • Spring cleaning in our homes
  • Practical tips for refreshing tired rooms
  • Time spent encouraging our focus on Christ
  • Strengthening our design skills & knowledge.

You can click HERE to sign up.

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