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Building a Better Guest Room

Whether you’re hoping to create the perfect guest room for non-stop super-hosting at your airbnb, or if you have family and friends stay whenever they’re in town; there are a few essentials that can make your guests feel right at home!

Since we don’t have a dedicated guest room in our home, for the sake of the teaching in today’s post I’ll be sharing pictures of our bedroom as examples, as well as other great guest rooms I’ve been inspired by online.

One such room is our featured photo from the Mayhurst Inn! -You might recognize that name as the location that we’re holding the Bespoke Design Retreat at this coming Fall! Casey is the epitome of a “hostess with the most-ess”, and I’m so looking forward to getting to experience all she has to offer at the Mayhurst while hosting our 4-day Bespoke Design Retreat! (As of the time of this posting, tickets are still available! Save your spot soon!)

** If you’re reading this post after August 1, 2023 – Registration for the 2023 trip is already closed, but you can join the Waitlist below to be notified for future Bespoke events! **

 Bespoke Design Retreat
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*This post contains affiliate links to products I know &/or love.

Guest Room, Sweet Guestroom

I think creating a space that feels like home away from home for your guests is a big part of setting up the perfect guest room.

If you have a dedicated room for guests, the temptation can sometimes be that it becomes a bit of a family dumping ground when you don’t have visitors. Especially after holidays or shopping trips or travelling.

So my encouragement is, along with following the list of “must haves” for your guest room that I’ll share below, it will also be wise to design and set up the room in a way that helps you and the rest of your family respect the space.

This makes it very easy to host on a moments notice, because you’ll have confidence knowing that their space is prepared and awaiting their arrival!

If you don’t have a dedicated guest room space, don’t be discouraged! There is still a lot of wisdom in these guest room essentials that you can apply to any space that welcomes guests within your home!

I’ll give you a few specific tips down below as well, so read on!

Without further ado, here is my list of Guest Room Essentials!

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The Bed:

  • A really good mattress and a nice bed frame -we got my iron bed frame from Wayfair and have really loved it these past few years!
  • Good sheets – I always look for percale and a 270-290 thread count; you can learn more about ordering great sheets here. For guests that are coming in and out often, I usually stick with crisp white sheets because they give off a very comforting “just laundered” feel that we’re used to when we stay at nice hotels.
DIY Bedskirt by sheholdsdearly.com

Tip: You can use underbed storage bins for storing extra linens and the other items I list below that might need to be re-stocked after your guest’s visit.

  • A variety of pillows – Variety meaning both in quantity and in both feather and synthetic options, which is especially helpful for those with feather allergies & sensitivities.
  • Extra blankets – I also suggest including an optional electric blanket, especially if you are in a colder climate or if your visitor is staying during the winter months.
  • Nightstand with tissues, a lamp and easy access to outlet(s) for charging phones and devices. –Some extension cords now have USB ports build directly into them if your outlets aren’t naturally close to the nightstand for easy access.

Storage Space & Functional Furniture:

  • A place to set a suitcase – You can use something traditional like a suitcase stand, or you can incorporate similar functionality into your design by adding in a bench or trunk that can serve the same purpose.
  • Closet space with empty hangers
  • Empty drawers

I loved this guest Room closet by Emily Henderson. Not only is there room for her guests to unload their luggage into the drawers and baskets and onto hangers, but she also has used the shelf above for extra blankets and pillows that are easy to find and access.

The lower bins are used as storage for the linens that belong in other rooms of the house, but are clearly labeled which makes them both easy to find, and a quick reference to let guests know that those drawers are currently in use!

  • Mirror for getting ready – full length, preferred!

I think this is especially important if your guest is going to be sharing the bathroom with other family members or guests. Having the ability to get ready in your own space, and without taking up bathroom time is a win-win.

  • Small garbage can or waste basket.
  • A seating area with 1-2 chairs if you have the space.
Cozy Master Bedroom Ideas by sheholdsdearly.com


  • Stack of clean towels – This is another instance where I prefer nice white large “bath sheets”. They just feel so crisp and clean.
  • Wash cloths
  • Extra Toiletries (Mini sizes in a basket: bar soap, shampoo, conditioner, new toothbrushes, tooth paste, deodorant)
  • Robe(s)

Tip : When you’re hosting guests you’ll also want to double-triple check that you’re well stocked on toilet paper, and if possible, that you have an accessible plunger hidden in plain sight in the bathroom. Both can save your guests undue embarrassment!

  • Laundry Hamper – The necessity of a hamper really depends on the length of your guest’s stay. But if they’re staying for more than just a few days, having access to a hamper, detergent and your washer and dryer can be a huge help!


These are the smaller details that can sometimes be easily overlooked, but have a big impact if they’re remembered and included!

  • Wi-Fi password – This is a more recent addition to guest rooms everywhere, and I’ve seen some really clever and unique displays. Once I even saw the password embroidered on a pillow, but boy you’d have to have been confident about what you chose in that instance!

I love this printed & framed option by Brooke from Nesting with Grace, and as a bonus, it’s way easier to change than an embroidered pillow!

  • Drinking water – in a carafe with a matching glass is so chic, but water bottles work, too!
  • Easy Snacks – granola bars, trail mix, crackers, fruit, etc…
  • Electric fan – for white noise, or if they are too hot when they are sleeping.
  • Black out shades/curtains (Check out Two Pages for custom drapes! You can use code SHEHOLDSDEARLY for 15% off!)
  • Hair-dryer
  • If you know you’ll often be hosting families, you can include a pack & play in the closet as an optional sleeping space for young children.
  • Notebook & Pen or pencil
  • A guest book can be really fun, especially if you have visitors in and out often.

What if I Don’t Have a Guest Space?

The beauty of these tips is that they can be adapted to whichever space you DO have available for hosting. If you have guests crashing on your couch, you can still make up a “bed” with nice sheets, pillows and blankets.

You can use the end tables or coffee table to set up a lamp, outlets for chargers and a glass for water.

If you have a children’s room that can be converted to a guest room when needed, I suggest storing all of your guest supplies in a tote bin until they’re needed. (Similar to how I organize my seasonal decorations).

Then you can use that same bin to store away some of the children’s items while their room is in use.

I hope this encourages and inspires you as you set out to create the perfect guest room!

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Related Blog Posts & Resources:

On Pinterest:

And the very best resource I can offer you : My Elite Decorating Academy!

I teach all about guestrooms and so much more in the 28 hours of course work! If that number sounds intimidating, you can rest easy knowing that the classes (160+) are broken down into easy to digest sections that are on average, just 10 minutes!

You can truly take this course with any schedule, because it’s available online 24/7 and can also be accessed on your mobile devices.

Teaching is shared in video format, audio and written for whichever learning style you prefer!

I think you’re going to love what you find in the EDA.

Visit elitedecoratingacademy.com to learn more and to get started!

Pin These Perfect Guest Room Tips for Later:

Happy hosting!

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