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Victorian Christmas Style in The Common Rooms

So far this year, I’ve shared my Christmas front porch, living room, and bedroom – now we’re moving on to the last but not least – Christmas in the common rooms! For us, this is the family room (which we’ve dubbed the fireside room) and the kitchen.

These are usually the last places to be decorated in my house after I’ve hit the other most important pieces – but they’re no less impactful than the rest! It’s so cozy and charming to come into the family room with the wood stove lit and to see the charming details of Christmas peeking back at me.

Let’s get started!

Click below If you’d like to watch this Victorian Christmas tour of our common rooms on YouTube!

*This post contains affiliate links to products I know &/or love.

An Overview of my Victorian Christmas Common Rooms

This year I ended up with a very layered look through the fireside room and into the living room that I love! It truly draws you right through one space and into another!

Victorian Details in the Family Room

This room is our multi-purpose, high-traffic room. I have often described as a glorified hallway; with so many different paths to be taken through this room, it’s truly a hub in the middle of the house.

Here’s how it’s styled for this year!

Because this room is used so much, there is always a measure of practicality in my decorations.

Near the woodstove I keep a large crock filled with our small kindling pieces. For this year I placed our vintage sled nearby to give a life-style vignette of sorts.

Some years I’ve gone all out on styling garland along the entire length of the stair banister, but this year I wanted something a bit more understated. I found this $4 garland at the thrift store and love that it’s subtle and just adds quiet and small detailing along the bottom half of the railing.

I hung the stockings for our children along the stairs and on the shelf across the landing. I wanted the stockings to have a more organic and realistic feel this year, so instead of lining them up beautifully I hung them a bit more haphazardly.

I love the texture of the off white bags and dog leashes that we usually keep on this small shelf, and they make a great background for just a few quick winter and Christmas touches.

I added the elk figurine in honor of my hunting husband – and the sketch style winter picture in the reese frame was a gift from a friend last year. She thought the house in the background looked similar to our 1907 farmhouse.

For our tree, I used another small tinsel tree and placed it in a $4 thrifted apple basket I purchased from the thrift store. The basket originally had a fabric liner that I didn’t love, but I was able to take it out carefully when I got it home, and it will be a nice classic piece that can be used in many different ways!

We decorated this tree with some of my favorite warm-white lights, my music page garland, and then other special and sentimental ornaments. We’re calling this one the “childhood tree” this year! There are pieces that are from when Colby and I were children, and things from my Mom like a red wreath brooch.

I also included the sweet mini book ornaments I made a few years back based off some of the classic children’s books my children loved best.

If you’d like to create ornaments of your own – you can add your email address below for the tutorial and my curated printable images!

tiny Book Ornaments
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Last but not least for this fire-side room / family room space is this bookshelf along the edge of our kitchen island.

I love to style this with my white soup tureens, and mix in small amounts of greenery (cedar from our yard) and red and white transferware.

Victorian Details in the Kitchen

Next we move on through into the kitchen!

I’ll be honest and let you know I wasn’t feeling too inspired about the kitchen at this point because we have a lot of changes on the horizon, and my mind is already looking forward with excitement to design those spaces – and so our current look wasn’t as motivating. I was also getting a bit more tired as this final room came along.

I decided to add a few small touches and call it done!

This small green cabinet holds my sewing machine and all my supplies – and makes a great little landing zone for some Christmas decor that can be seen from just step or so inside the front door.

I used the last of our mini tinsel trees and added white and red ornaments tied on with green and red velvet ribbon and red and white linen ribbon. The final details were the addition of some of my favorite clip on candles and a small amber glass jar with bright red and white candy canes.

Hanging on the door that leads out to our chicken porch is the boxwood wreath I made with cuttings from our yard. It’s starting to dry out – which I’ve been expecting. It’s given the leaves a curly texture as they dry, and the bright green is settling into something a bit less saturated.

I’ll be excited to use it again next year in it’s dried form!

Merry Christmas from my family to yours! I hope you have a beautiful holiday season.

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