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Thrifted Pillowcase Turned Throw Pillow

Come along as I make a throw pillow out of an upcycled pillowcase!

Before we get started, I want to mention that this post is part of a monthly group of fellow bloggers who are each upcycling or sewing a simple and creative piece for our homes. Scroll to the end to see what the other girls came up with!

You probably have that list, too. The list, either on your phone or in your head, your “must-haves” when you are out thrifting.

Mine says “vintage dishes, hard back books with great covers, old suitcases, etc.”

But, one of my favorites on that list is the word “linens”.

I try not to the leave the thrift store without a quick pass through the back corner aisles, searching through all the hanging pillowcases and bedding.

Sometimes, I will even ask a home owner if they have any old linens they want to sell when I am yard saling.

A couple years ago, in Long Beach, WA, I picked up an old pillowcase that was open on both ends. I was ready to leave and it was an impulse buy for $1. I wasn’t really sure what it was for, but when I mentioned my confusion, the home owner said it was for a bolster pillow and it was at least 100 years old. I could see it was entirely handmade. (!)

I threw it in the car with my pile of new found treasures and thought it would look grand on my queen size bed.

The only problem was when I tried it on my bed, ends tied up with ribbons, I just couldn’t do it.

It looked like one giant piece of candy! Totally frumpy, if you ask me!

I pushed it to the back of my closet with all the other “I don’t know” pieces of linens and fabrics, waiting for a day of newfound creativity.

That day came on Sunday. Here’s the thing, what I really loved most about the piece was the beautiful embroidery on the edges. I thought if I just focused on highlighting that, I could turn it into a slipcover for a bolder looking pillow cover. Well, two, actually.

NOTE- You can use this tutorial with any pillowcase that has edging that you love.

The other way I have used pillowcases with great edging is to turn them into pillowcase nighties.

I dug through my summer decor bins and located a piece of fabric that reminded me of French air mail. Bingo!

*This post contains affiliate links to products I know &/or love.

Here are the details, in case you want to try this for yourself:

Thrifted Pillowcase Turned Throw Pillow


  • Using the techniques I teach in how to Add a Zipper to a Pillow in Ten Minutes, create your first pillow cover for the inside. I recommend a more bold fabric for this. It is fun because it is just going to peak out.
  • Next, place your pillowcase with the pretty edge over the pillow form and make sure some of the side of the pillow is sticking out. You are measuring where to cut. Remember to add your seam allowance.
  • Cut off the end and maybe the sides, if needed. Turn inside out and stitch to create your new seams.
  • Decide if you want tie closures. I thought just one ribbon closure would be nice. Using two 12″ pieces per tie, add Fray Check to the ends.
  • Roll the end that will be inside the pillowcase and stitch in place about 1/2″ from the outside edge of the pillowcase.
  • Repeat on the other side and tie in a knot or bow.

TA DA! I super easy twist on the classic throw pillow cover.

I tucked them into my summer porch decor and made sure that cute French air mail fabric could be seen against the 100 year old embroidery.

Watch this video to see how easy it is to make your own Pillow Case Throw Pillow!!

You can subscribe to my YouTube Channel here.

So, what about you, do you collect too many thrifted pillowcases and need a way to enjoy them in your home?

Let me know in the comments below and be sure to check out what some of my friends are up to!


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Pin This Pillowcase Throw Pillow Tutorial for Later:

Thrifted Pillowcase Turned Throw Pillow by sheholdsdearly.com

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