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How to Make a DIY Slipcover Without a Pattern

Let me help remove the mystery & intimidation surrounding making a DIY slipcover… it’s not as complicated as you might think!

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me to sew them some slipcovers I could probably retire.  Ok,  not really.  But,  it is a very common question I get.

Slipcovers are incredibly intimidating for people. I get it.  Even the more experienced seamstresses out there get nervous.

But, here’s the big secret:  You don’t need a pattern to make a slipcover!

That’s right. Your piece of furniture is the pattern.

In the tutorial below I outline exactly how I slipcovered one my parsons chairs, elegant ruffle included, and be sure to watch the video for a better understanding if you want to try this!

Slipcover Dining Chairs by sheholdsdearly.com

*This post contains affiliate links to products I know &/or love.

No Pattern DIY Slipcover Tutorial

No Pattern DIY Slipcover by sheholdsdearly.com
  • Once you have your fabric decided on, wash and dry it. I’m using 2 1/2 yards per chair here. This linen from Joann Fabric is one of my favorite for projects like this. I like the color “natural”, if you’re able to find it.
  • Decide where you want your seams and lay the fabric (right side down) in sections over the different parts of the furniture.
  • Be sure to leave some over hang on all the edges, this will be your seams.
  • Now, start pinning along the lines where you will stitch your seams.  Keep the your lines straight and the fit nice and snug.
  • Once your pins are in place for one section, you are ready to stitch exactly along the lines of pins, removing the pins as you go.
  • Turn the slipcover section inside out and make sure that it does indeed fit the way you want it to.
  • Then, turn it wrong side out again and trim the edges of the fabric down to about 1/2 inch.
  • Repeat this process several times for each of your fabric sections until you have your slipcover.
  • To see how I made the ruffle, see the video below.
  • To hem the bottom, trim- leaving about three inches beyond where you want the bottom to be.
  • Now, iron the hem 1/4 inch up, all the way around.
  • Then repeat this step again, folding it a couple inches up and ironing in place as you go.
  • Stitch in place using a wide stitch and you. are. done.
Slipcover Anything No Pattern by sheholdsdearly.com


Diy Slipcover Tutorial by sheholdsdearly.com
Beginner Slipcover Tutorial by sheholdsdearly.com
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No Pattern Slipcover Tutorial by sheholdsdearly.com

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