Welcome, welcome, let me show you around the farm. It’s not the first time, but it is the first time during winter.
Winter on the farm is especially magical after a fresh snowfall.
And good news! I have finally figured out how to make it snow. The minute you start designing your spring home tour, the snowflakes start to fall outside your window. Be sure to post about your spring plans on social media, I think that helps, as well.
School should be shut down by the following morning and you will look up from your pillow to see this. . .
Anyway, that’s what happened to me this week. I had fully reconciled myself to the fact that we would be getting exactly ZERO snow this winter and VOILA!
Mentally, we all shift gears.
Do we have enough wood for the wood stove?
Are any pipes in danger of bursting? Do the animals need their water thawed?
These are the things that you think about on a farm during winter.
The dog and cat, both indoor pets, can’t decide if they want to be outside or not.
The garden actually looks gorgeous for a change! All the weeds are buried under a dreamy blanket of snow. Will my herbs make it?
But, its the bees that I wonder the most about.
Sometimes, in the dead of winter, I knock on the side of the hive to listen for the familiar buzzing going on in there. I hear nothing this time. Time will tell if the hive survived the winter or not.
The rabbits each get turns playing in the snow.
But, we are careful not to take them inside. Last year we were mistakenly concerned about the babies and would take them inside to warm up by the wood stove during a major temperature drop.
Apparently, their little internal thermostats couldn’t handle the temperature swing and we lost most of that litter.
This goes for the chickens, as well. We used to put a heat lamp out in the coop.
But, now only have a low wattage light bulb out there to ensure they get the recommended light requirements for egg production.
All in all, we love a good snowfall around here and cherish the few snow days we get in Washington state. The worst part is seeing how “not white” our white animals look next to the pure driven snow!
Oh well, bath time will have to wait for warmer days.
I hope enjoyed this little peak into life on the farm during wintertime. My hope is to do a little tour for each of the seasons to chronicle the full year for you.
I should sign off now, the wood stove needs more firewood and my licorice tea is calling my name.
Until next time!
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