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Upcycling a Linen Tablecloth

I recently was approached by two of my favorite bloggers/ YouTubers and asked if I would like to do a collaboration. If you know Chloe from Boxwood Avenue and Sarah from Rocky Hedge Farm, you will know why I screamed and said “YES!” rather quickly.

This post contains affiliate links to products I know &/or love.

Linen Blanket Tutorial by sheholdsdearly.com

The idea was we would all take the same linen tablecloth from Target and make something different with it.

DIY Throw Blanket by sheholdsdearly.com

The thing I loved about this is that you could do these projects with a thrifted tablecloth or a hand me down or whatever you might have laying around. I encourage you to start seeing linen when you are out and about and snatch it up for great upcycling fun!

I decided to turn mine into a light summery blanket with a macrame trim!

Upcycling a Linen Tablecloth

Upcycling a Linen Tablecloth by sheholdsdearly.com


Watch this video to see how easy it is!

You can subscribe to my YouTube Channel here.

  • The first thing I did was to wash and dry my tablecloth to get any finish off of it and shrink it, if it were going to do that.
  • I filled a huge pot that I use for soap making with water and put it on the stove to simmer. I have a front loading washer and you can’t successfully dye fabric in a front loader. My other option would have been to go to a laundry mat with a top loading machine.
  • Once the water was steaming, I dumped an entire bottle of Navy Blue RIT dye into the water and added my WET (re-wet the fabric for a more even dye) tablecloth to the pot. You are supposed to stand there and stir for 30-60 mins, but I was tired went to bed. I let it just sit on the stove with the lid on for about 12 hours.
  • The following morning, I poured everything out into my utility sink and then rinsed and rinsed and rinsed the fabric in cold water.
  • Next, I washed, dried and ironed like normal.
  • Finally, I stitched on this beautiful macrame trim I found on Amazon. I just used one straight stitch to add it to the edge of my new blanket. For the ends, I just folded them over by about a half an inch and stitched them in place. See the video, if needed.
RIT Dye Lap Blanket by sheholdsdearly.com

I love the blotchy look that I got by not stirring the fabric when I was dying it. It feels very weathered and vintage to me, kind of like an old flag. I think it will be perfect for the Fourth of July and really all summer long.

Macrame Trim Blanket by sheholdsdearly.com

You can watch the Boxwood Avenue video and the Rocky Hedge Farm video to see what they came up with. And if you want to know how to create one of the bouquets like I have in this picture, watch this video.

DIY Decorating Flower Arrangement

Now, you tell me do you look for linen tablecloths when you are out thrifting? What other things would you recommend??

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Upcycling a Linen Tablecloth

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