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How to Make a Vintage Wall Hanging

Wall decorations seem to be a nemesis for most people, myself included.   They can get pretty expensive, as well.  But, I can show you a quick way to DIY your own Vintage Wall Hanging in just a few minutes.

And the best part?  It costs around $10!

These DIY vintage wall hangings would make beautiful Christmas gifts, too, if you are needing ideas.

Did I ever tell you, I grew up on a cattle farm?  Yup, we raised around 200 Angus cattle year round.   There was lots of herding them from field to field with the horses and cattle dogs.  There was hay season, calving season, fence mending, swimming in the cow trough (don’t tell my mother) and piles of muddy boots- or maybe those were “cow pies” on those boots.

Farmhouse Wall Decor by sheholdsdearly.com

The thing with farming is you are always on call.  If the cows got out, you dropped everything and went to catch them.

One time, I remember eating breakfast, scrambled eggs to be exact, at the table and out the window we saw a bunch of black cows running down the road. Our cows.

Breakfast came to a screeching halt and we all ran out the door to catch the cows, but not before someone put their paper napkin over the lit candle, “just to see what would happen”.

While we were gone collecting cows, the cat pulled on the table cloth and dumped all of the dishes and scrambled eggs on the floor.

Yup, it was one of THOSE mornings!  I’m pretty sure my mom cried.

But, even with all the irritations that cows can bring, I have fond memories of those days and am sentimentally drawn to cows when I am decorating.

Cavallini Wrapping Paper Poster by sheholdsdearly.com

*This post contains affiliate links to products I know &/or love.*

So, when I needed to fill the wall by my front door last spring, this vintage wrapping paper from Cavallini got me thinking.  I found it during a trip to a local antique show.

You can read more about it in 5 Tips for Shopping Antique Shows. 

Then, when I saw my friend Lauren’s DIY Vintage Pull Down Map tutorial, I knew exactly what I wanted to do!

DIY Vintage Wall Hanging

DIY Vintage Poster by sheholdsdearly.com




  • Cut the dowel into two 22″ pieces
    • Home Depot will do this for you
  • Apply the antiquing wax or stain and work it into the cut ends, as well
DIY Farmhouse Style Wall Decor by sheholdsdearly.com
  • Center and hot glue the dowels onto your poster at the very top and very bottom
  • Cut a 24″ piece of twine
Upcylced Vintage Style Poster by sheholdsdearly.com
  • Knot the ends
  • Staple into place 1 1/2″ from each end of the top dowel
DIY Pull Down Poster by sheholdsdearly.com

Ta Da!

There you have it.  A DIY Vintage Wall Hanging!

Easy enough for a beginner, but still overflowing with vintage charm.

DIY Hanging Vintage Poster by sheholdsdearly.com
DIY Cow Picture by sheholdsdearly.com
Cheap Farmhouse Wall Decor by sheholdsdearly.com
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