If you’re wanting to recreate the Vintage Christmas Sleigh Bells you’re seeing online – you’re in luck! Follow along for the DIY tutorial for Faux sleigh bells made from a surprising item…
Have you noticed those vintage Christmas sleigh bells that everybody has these days?
Some people call them “goat bells”.
Some people call them “sheep bells:”
I’ve even heard them called “camel bells”. I’m not sure what they’re called.
But they look beautiful hanging at different heights and when added to wreaths and swags.
They look good on a door knob. They look good on a newel post.
The only problem I have found, is that they are fairly expensive. I brainstormed for a while and came up with an easy way to get around this, though.
But you’re gonna have to trust me on this.
It might be a little out of your comfort zone. What I mean is, we are going to use toilet paper tubes.
I know, right?
Are you doing OK?
OK, let’s go.
NOTE- This will make one bell.
Whew! Ok, there we are! And no one will know we used toilet paper tubes unless the sit and study them. Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me!
*This post contains affiliate links to products I know &/or love.
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