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Beginner Arm Knit Blanket Tutorial

Learning to arm knit a blanket is an economical and rewarding  way to obtain one of these trendy home decor staples. And, bonus, this tutorial is easy enough for a beginner!

Have you been eyeing those cushy, gorgeous, chunky blankets like I have?  For two years I have wanted to make one!   In fact, I bought my yarn last summer and finally was able to make it happen- six months later.

Chunky Blanket DIY by sheholdsdearly.com

As for my knitting experience, I made two tiny sweaters sixteen years ago when I was expecting my first baby.  And by “sweaters” I mean, I made a square for the back with six rectangles that I stitched together to make sleeves and front flaps.

Does anyone remember that baby sweater on the front of the Martha Stewart Baby magazine? Yeah, I made two of those.

My mother-in-law, sat with me at our cabin over Christmas break and helped me every time I dropped a stitch, which was a lot.

I remember nothing but the words “casting on and casting off”, so let’s just say, I qualify as a beginner.  In fact, my venacular is probably going to get corrected by seasoned knitters in the comments.

Beginner Arm Knitting Pattern by sheholdsdearly.com

The good news is -I am your guinea pig. And if I can do this project, SO CAN YOU!

Beginner Arm Knit Blanket Tutorial


*This post contains affiliate links to products I know &/or love.


Inspired by this post/video from Simply Maggie.

  • Knitting is very difficult to describe in writing, so I went ahead and did a Youtube video for you.

I am so pleased to have finally made one of these arm knit chunky blankets!

How to Arm Knit a Blanket by sheholdsdearly.com

 And my mother-in-law didn’t have to help me at all.

Chunky Arm Knit Blanket Tutorial by sheholdsdearly.com
Beginner Arm Knittig Blanket Tutorial by sheholdsdearly.com

There has already been an announcement at my house that this particular blanket will never be on the floor and never leave my room!

Arm Knit Throw Blanket by sheholdsdearly.com

My girls are already scheming about making their own and keeping them in their rooms.

Arm Knit How-to by sheholdsdearly.com

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Beginner Arm Knit Blanket Tutorial by sheholdsdearly.com


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