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Anne of Green Gables Party

Here’s to all the kindred spirits out there.

I grew up enamored with Anne of Green Gables, I read and re-read the books, had the movies entirely memorized and would pretend I was Diana Barry and my best friend was Anne Shirley.

One time we planned a three day stint out in my family’s playhouse, full on Anne of Green Gables mode. We packed our antiques for days, made bread, picked blueberries, strung a clothes line.

I was in heaven.

Our parents were so proud of us and finally our big reenactment commenced.

We set up  our little home just as the storm clouds rolled in. . . .

yep, . . .it absolutely POURED the whole three days.

We had sworn that we would not go back to my parents’ house, you know, “back to civilization”, and we kept our promise.

But, my brother kept worrying about us and visiting us, saying he was Matthew Cuthbert, just checking in.

So, when my daughter turned thirteen last year it was a no-brainer what themed party I wanted to throw.

Incidentally, I celebrated my 39th birthday last week at the Haven conference!

So, I thought a little throw back would be apropos.

The Anne of Green Gables Party

Everyone was invited to a picnic on our property.

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

We found my daughter a dress off Etsy with puff sleeves, the puffiest in the world (wink), and dyed her hair red the night before as I stirred the raspberry cordial and started the homemade ice cream.

Her guests arrived in character, which of course, proves they are bosom friends.

I wrote on three chalk boards using my How to Write Anything on a Chalkboard post. And made a bunting with paper doilies to hang in the trees. . .

because “I suppose it would impossible to keep house with only thirty-seven doilies.”

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

We used bedsheets and thrifted dust ruffles for our table cloths and pulled out the heirloom family crystal from Ireland.

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

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Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

Table decor included old books and seashells . . .

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly


Sea Shell Pasta Salad

Chicken Salad Sandwiches

“Matthew’s lady bugs” (see the tomato hor’derve above)

Apples and Dip

Cucumber Lemon Water

and, of course the infamous

Raspberry Cordial

Recipes were taken from

The Anne of Green Gables Cookbook

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

Dessert included carrot cake cupcakes and two kinds of homemade ice cream.

One of which was made by the girls taking turns hand cranking throughout the party.

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

I found this beautiful painting at a garage sale for a couple of dollars, right before the party! Score.

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

 Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

While everyone was picnicking, I ran around and hide clues all over for the scavenger hunt. The chickens were all riled and kept trying to follow me.

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

Then, we had to do the three-legged race, I love that the two boys fell down immediately, just like Gilbert and Moody.

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

The winners got to start us off on the scavenger hunt. . .

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

There was Dolly hidden in the cabbages.  . .

Do you see the Jersey cow?

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

The Lady of Chalot, down by the creek . . .

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

and some other fun clues, the final stop was the clothes line, where I had hidden an amethyst broach!

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

We ended the night with an outdoor movie in the garden . . .

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

And each guest left with homemade lavender shortbread for their party favor.

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

If you have never had the pleasure of watching the

Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Green Gables- the Sequel dvds,

I highly recommend them to everyone.

Even my father-in-law says his favorite movie is “Anne”.

Oops, I was probably supposed to keep that one a secret.


And if you are now dreaming of throwing your own Anne party, you are welcome to visit my Pinterest board for more inspiration.

Anne of Green Gables Party by She Holds Dearly

Also, I am happy to announce that our winner for the Jord watch e-voucher is Marcia!

Congratulations, my dear!


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