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10 Ways to Make Your TV Hidden within your Decor

“How do I hide a TV within my decor?” It’s a question I receive pretty frequently, so I’ve rounded up a list of my 10 favorite ways.

It’s no doubt that TVs can be a true eyesore in our homes – especially those that have a vintage decorating style. (Haven’t found a TV yet that screams “vintage” to me – at least not in a good way!)

I’m always glad to be decorating in a time now where at least we don’t have giant tube TVs to work around! The technology and creation of the modern day flat screens does make our job quite a bit easier!

I think of TVs sort of like baby gates, dog beds, and air conditioner units. Sometimes they’re necessary, but rarely do they fit seamlessly into our decor unless we put some thought and effort into them!

For TVs, I feel like there are two camps in the decorating world:

  1. Those who simply hide and cover their TVs completely
  2. Those who chose to work with it and incorporate it into their decor.

I don’t believe there’s a right and wrong camp. In fact, my list of 10 ideas will be split evenly between the two of them!

As you’re reading the list, keep in mind which aspects work best for your space and your family life.

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5 Ways to Hide or Cover a TV

Number One | Put the TV inside an armoirE.

This is what we’ve done with our own TV at home. I love that it’s put away inside the armoire, and that it includes extra storage for other items we may not want out in the open all the time.

Farmhouse Style Living Room by sheholdsdearly.com

Our armoire was purchased second-hand and painted to match our living room and style.

Another version of the TV armoire is this Beautiful Dark Entertainment Center by Brepurposed.com.

I just love the masculine feel, and think this would be amazing in an office or other large wall area.

Bre and her husband worked with a cabinet company local to them to design and assemble this big and beautiful unit. They did the finish work themselves!

DIY TV Stand with Sliding Doors - Brepurposed.com

Number Two | Pull Down Wall Map or Botanical Print

Etsy has some really cute botanical and nature options like these dragonflies!

Etsy Botanical Pull Down over TV by sheholdsdearly.com

One of my very best friends has a beautiful map version that she let me share as well.

Often they come with a shelf along the top that can be styled and used for decor as well.

Then the print goes up around the spool like the old school maps whenever you’re ready to watch TV.

Number Three | Sliding Doors

These barn-type sliding doors from the Sarah Joy Blog would be an easy DIY project for even a beginner.

Mounted gas pipe rod, i-hooks screwed into your wood pieces, and viola – you’ve got barn-style sliding doors to cover your TV.

Number Four | Wall Cabinet

Similar to a large medicine cabinet, there are TV cabinets you can purchase that mount to the wall and include doors to close in front of the TV when not in use.

This bi-fold door Wall Cabinet from Ballard Design is a cute example!

TV Cabinet - Ballarddesigns.com
TV Cabinet - BallardDesigns.com

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Number Five | Cover with Bi-fold Art

I think this is one of my favorite, and most convincing ways to hide and completely cover a TV! House Beautiful shared this piece of art that is made to bi-fold away from the screen when in use!

I love the added touch of the art lamp above the canvases. It truly makes the art seem like the focus in that space instead of the TV.

Five Ways to Incorporate a TV

Number 6 | Layer from Behind

Placing larger pieces behind the TV can help it have a more cohesive feel. Design Sponge shared this pretty driftwood paneling that they used behind a TV.

Flatscreen Over Driftwood - Designsponge.com

I think this same idea could also be achieved with reclaimed wood paneling or shiplap!

Number Seven | Back your TV with a Dark Textured Wall

Having a dark wall with architectural details (like board and batten) behind your TV works to camouflage and neutralize the shape and color of the TV!

Jenna Sue does just that with her master bedroom wall.

I’ve noticed before that you don’t see much of Joanna Gaines’ TVs in her designs, but when you do catch a glimpse, they’re done very plainly and mounted directly on the wall with just the cords hidden away.

This TV is an example from the Morrow House in Waco shared by the Liz Marie blog.

Number Eight | Samsung “The Frame” TV.

In further technological advances, there’s a TV that’s been out for just the past few years called “The Frame” from Samsung that legitimately looks like a piece of artwork when not in use.

Think a beautifully framed screen with a true piece of artwork as a constant “screen saver”.

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Calivintage shares about hers and has nothing but good things to say.

They’re still pretty spendy, I think about $2,000-3,000, but as other companies start to join the market, I can see that price getting quite a bit lower in the coming years!

Another, much less expensive way to go about this would be to get a large canvas art piece that is big enough to cover your entire TV and add L brackets to the back so it could be simply hung on the front of the TV when not in use and removed when in use.

I know some people might not have the capacity to deal with moving and removing art every time they want to watch TV, but for those that do, this could be a neat alternative!

Number Nine | Gallery Wall

Treating the TV as an individual piece in the midst of a gallery wall is another option!

Gavin & Co does so here in a pretty seamless way!

Garvin & Co Gallery Wall - Our Family Room

If you go this route, I would suggest using art pieces that also contain black in the surrounding gallery. It will help add some cohesion with the large black rectangle when the TV is turned off.

Garvin & Co Gallery Wall - Our Family Room

Number Ten | Use a Projector

My last tip for incorporating a TV into your decor would be to actually use a projector instead of having an actual TV unit!

This does require the use of either a roller or stationary screen or a large blank wall, though – but for some people, that is still leaps and bounds better than even a flat screen TV.

I hope this list gives you some good ideas and inspiration for something that will work well in your space!

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10 Ways to Hide a TV by sheholdsdearly.com

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