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DIY Bunting Banner From Fabric Remnants

I’m excited to be sharing a great DIY Bunting Banner project to use up your fabric stash remnants and scraps!

Today’s post is a collaboration with some of my favorite blogger friends, Lisa from Farmhouse on Boone and Larissa from Prodigal Pieces. Every fourth Tuesday of the month we are going to share a repurposing idea using fabric or clothing.

I have been sewing since I was twelve years old, ever since I decided to make that country blue and mauve quilt that I couldn’t seem to find in a store.

Pandora’s box of DIY opened up for me that year. Now I can’t imagine not having a sewing machine in my life.

Ironically, this post isn’t going to be about sewing, though. It’s about the fabric stash that inevitably accumulates when one takes up sewing as a hobby.

Every few years I go through my stash and purge, so that helps, but I always have a big rubber maid bin in my craft closet

(Raise your hand, if YOU have a craft closet!)

I’m sharing with you a fun option for some of that leftover fabric you don’t know what to do with. It’s a super fast DIY Bunting made with fabric remnants!

And don’t tell, but I didn’t even pull out my sewing machine for this! Gasp!!


Depending on what you use to attach the pendants to, you could either stitch them in place or, in my case, hot glue.

Here is the VERY simple tutorial on what I did. . .

DIY Bunting Banner From Fabric Remnants

  • Select your fabric, heavier is better. Mine is actually from Lisa at Farmhouse on Boone’s old shop! If you don’t have a fabric stash, I suggest going to Joanns and looking over the pre-cut bundles of fabric for quilters.
  • Cut 4″ x 4 1/2″ rectangles. I centered the stripe right through the middle of my rectangles.
  • Next, cut out a little triangle from the bottom of each rectangle. I didn’t measure this, just eye ball it.
  • Finally, stitch or hot glue the pendants to a cord or another strip of fabric. I love baker’s twine, jute twine, gingham bias tape or Pom Pom trim.

Now hang your bunting in a window, doorway or on a wall, along a table, piano or dresser and enjoy the extra little touch of festivity you just created.

Oh, and smile to yourself because your fabric stash just a little smaller, too!

What other ways do you employ to use up your extra fabric?? Let me know in the comments below.

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