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7 Custom Closet Door Ideas

Source: Jenna Sue Design

I’m a big believer in giving things character by customizing them with creative details. This most definitely includes giving generic closet doors a makeover.

One of the things we really wanted to do when we committed to restoring our farmhouse was to somehow keep the original charm in tact. And if there wasn’t any original charm somewhere, we would create some.

The current master bedroom used to be two bedrooms, so when a previous owner took out a wall and made one giant room it ended up boasting of THREE closets. None of them had doors when we arrived on the scene.

The first closet is being transformed into a cozy little office nook for yours truly and the other two each house my clothes and my husband’s clothes.

Custom Closet Door by sheholdsdearly.com
Custom Closet Door Bedrooms by sheholdsdearly.com

One time someone asked me to list the top three things that bugged me about my house and not having closet doors was on that list!  Seeing things that aren’t decorative feels cluttery to me and the fact that they are so close to me while I sleep is even more annoying.

The other two problem areas have since been resolved.  And truth be told, the only reason the doors aren’t done is because my husband and I can’t agree!  I even tried the “But it’s my birthday” trick a couple of years in a row!!

I really love how the closets are built into the little slanted ceilings on either side and wanted to kind of make them look like armoires somehow- with two doors each.  But, he is concerned that the doors don’t have enough room to swing open.

Custom Closet Door Built-ins by sheholdsdearly.com

I found these knobs at a garage sale and want to use them as the knobs, hopefully.

Closet Door Alternatives Antique Glass Doorknobs by sheholdsdearly.com

Anyway, I pulled some inspiration from some other blogs and would love to hear your ideas.

I do need to be careful and not get too ornate because our bed is such a statement piece.  I don’t want it to compete with the doors, so I am keeping that in mind as I search for ideas.

Custom Closet Door Ideas by sheholdsdearly.com

Inspiration 1

Simple Shaker Style

Kitchen & Beyond marie-sahlin.squarespace.com

Source: Kitchen & Beyond

Inspiration 2

Beadboard from floor to ceiling and could wrap around the wall

Janet Barbour Painted Interiors at janetbarbour-paintedinteriors.co.uk

Source: Janet Barbour Painted Interiors

Inspiration 3

Adding some ornate trim all around the doors to make them look like armoires

French Finds www.frenchfinds.co.uk

Source: French Finds

Inspiration 4

Add unique trimwork to the doors

French Finds from www.frenchfinds.co.uk

Source: French Finds

Inspiration 5

Stained wood

Farmhouse 5540 Inspiration

Source: Farmhouse 5540

Inspiration 6

Raw wood with unique hardware

cindywitmerdesigns.com, photo by @kerrykirkphoto

Source: Cindy Witmer Designs, Photographer: Kerry Kirk

Inspiration 7

Sliders with large X detail

blog.jennasuedesigns.com Cottage House

Source:  Jenna Sue Design

Thank you so much for stopping by, I’d love hear which doors are your favorite in the comments below.  We will make a decision soon, I hope and I will be sure to let you know exactly what we choose!

Pin These Custom Closet Door Ideas for Later

Ok, now I want to give my generic closet doors a makeover! LOL #7 is my fav

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